Shipping Information is dedicated to providing fast and reliable delivery services for all orders. We understand that your order is important to you, and we want to make sure it arrives as quickly and securely as possible. To ensure this, we offer a variety of delivery options for each item. At checkout, you can select your preferred delivery option.
Free Shipping
- We offer Free UPS Ground shipping on all orders $50 or more and under 150 lbs in the continental US.
- Orders under $50 and/or over 150 lbs are subject to shipping calculated shipping charges.
- In stock orders usually ship within 2-5 business days. Estimated in transit times are in addition to the processing and handling time.
Methods and Timing
- UPS Ground: We ship UPS Ground to all continental US. Once shipped, delivery time estimate is 1-8 days depending on location.
- UPS 3 Day Select: We ship UPS 3 Day Select to all continental US. Once shipped, delivery time estimate is 1-3 days depending on location.
- UPS 2nd Day Air: We ship UPS 2nd Day Air to all continental US. Once shipped, delivery time estimate is 1-2 days depending on location.
- UPS Next Day Air: We ship UPS Next Day Air to all continental US. Once shipped, delivery time estimate is 1 day depending on location.
- LTL Carrier: Any items too large or heavy (150+ lbs) to ship UPS Ground or UPS expedited options will ship via LTL carrier. Delivery time estimates can range from 4-6 weeks depending on location.
*Note: Some orders may ship via FedEx with a comparable timing.